Our intent is to present subjects in down-to earth, common terms that can be absorbed with relative ease, and with enough detail to enable team members to use the software efficiently to complete projects on-time.
Over the years as project engineers, surveyors, consultants and instructors, we’ve discovered common threads to the confusions experienced by someone not proficient with the software. A lot of these questions stem from a lack of understanding of one or more key basics. Without a thorough understanding of these fundamentals, higher levels of application can appear confusing and remain out of reach. Our guides cover all the versions of InRoads and InRoads Survey for the last decade or more, and we will continue to produce these guides covering topics and tools from the most basic to advanced.
“With much fear and trepidation I decided to pay a considerable sum for what is essentially a paperback book, because it was the only thing I could find after a week’s searching on the Internet for something cheaper. I am a self-taught engineer making a very good living, but I have to dig this stuff out of books, not having any teachers. Get a pocket full of different colored highlighters, this book, and study it page by page and you will get insights into “InRoads” not available for ten times the price...because if you go somewhere else, you get what they teach you, usually not what you need to know. This book tells you “why” and “how”, and philosophy. If you want to be the best...this book IS Essential. Buy this book!”
“Mark has been one of the best software instructors I have ever had. I greatly appreciated his knowledge and ability to convey it to others. Mark has a great attitude and he wants everyone to enjoy the class as he does.”
“Very knowledgeable; promotes participation; seems to live and breathe this stuff. Dynamic speaker, able to communicate thoughts and ideas.”